964 Cup Bypass Pipe Installed
VRRROOOOOOMMM!! Goodbye secondary muffler, hello bypass pipe.
323i Throttle Body Completed
Finished up the 323i throttle body install the other day. Pretty straight forward going back together, except that we tossed the crappy old torn rubber intake boots in favor of new boots. New throttle body ready to go on. TB installed with new rubber intake boots. Since the car came in on a flat bed, I didn’t really know the condition of the car. Once it was running, it was discovered it had a large oil leak and a significant …
Big Props to Dutch Boy Garage Door Co.

We ran into a little snag late Monday night when trying to close up for the night. As we were closing the big bay door, the right side cable snapped and jammed the door opener. After some antics, we were able to climb up and cut the left side cable which allowed us to get the door closed. Unfortunately, with a 600+lb door, the door opener needs the sprung cable tension to over come the weight and open. Some of …
964 Cab Continued
Slowly plodding along with our 964 project as we have time. We are waiting on one of the gauges to come back from NHS. The face was de-laminating over the warning lights, so we sent it out to be replaced. A little ridiculous that they wouldn’t sell us a new face, as the install is no different that replacing the odometer gears (different gauge). Oh well. So….we are putting on a cup bypass pipe, so I dropped the secondary muffler …
996 Ignition Switch

We’ve seen it time and time before, but odd electrical issues often point to a bad ignition switch in these cars. Up under the dash is the ignition switch, fairly straight forward replacement with the right tool. Old switch showed some sponginess in it, so this should solve the problem.
BMW 323i EML and CEL Light
This poor little thing was towed in with an EML light and check engine light on. The EML light typically relates directly to the throttle body being bad (internal TPS sensors on this model), and the CEL revealed a list of about 9 codes ranging from secondary air injection problems to MAF sensors to cam sensors to O2 sensors. Yuck. But, to get it back on the road, the EML was the main issue, so I ordered in the new …
993TT Strut Brace/30k
Last year we put in a new clutch into this 993TT and did the spark plugs, etc for the 30k service while the motor was out. Today it came in to finish the 30k and to install a new strut brace in the front end. Cup strut brace ready for install. Going with a completely stealth install on this puppy. I wasn’t sure if the amp would give problems, but it cleared without any issues. Installed behind the carpet. And …
RX-7 Continued
Due to popular request by regular subscribers, I bring you another fine RX-7 post. After getting the intake off the top of the motor, I just couldn’t 100% locate any coolant leaks. It is possible there may be some intake/throttle gaskets leaking, but even under pressure it was hard to pinpoint. Since this car is needed at school, I have to put it back together for now. Unfortunately, I found out that parts for these rotary engines are only available …
New shop equipment
This thing is soo cool. Got a new parts washer in, look at this bad boy go… Dirty parts in: Some steam cleaning: Hot enough for ya’? Clean and shiny parts!!!
Audi GT hall sensor replacement
About a year ago we tossed a motor in this little Audi GT. Lately it has been having intermittent running issues. Two thing we found were a baked O2 sensor and broken insulator at the hall sensor. So pull the distributor and here we go: Broken hall: Now we go after the tiny litte C-clips and press the reluctor/sending ring off the distributor to get to this: Now with the new sensor in place: Ready to go back in.
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