911 Motor Finished

Lets see, I’m not exactly sure where I left off, lol. I think we had the motor out and were ready to start tackling some oil leaks. First two culprits are the oil thermostat (round thing under the black wiring harness), and the breather plate gasket (oval cover). Pretty common source of leaks, and is possible to change in the car without removing the motor. Here you can see the black o ring that needs to be replaced. Hard as …
SmartyCam Install Gt3

Took some time today to prep Al’s GT3 for the upcoming Audi DE. In addition to changing oil/brake fluid, we also installed a SmartyCam system into the car for video data collection. Changing the fluids. And starting the SmartyCam install. The unit uses a GPS device for speed data as well as lap times. My typical mount for the GPS unit is on the front cowl below the wipers. And the camera installed on the rollbar after running some wires. …
Coooool Breeze

No, this post isn’t about a highly trained special forces member from the Unit, but rather an A/C day. Finally got the drier and seals I needed to charge up the 951’s a/c. Before I got to that though, I knocked out the timing and balance shaft belt since they were 8+ years old. Camera battery died as I was starting the job, so we have some missing pictures….this is the going back together stage, lol There, now that we …
E90 325i Oil Change

Knocked this car out tonight. Simple oil change and inspection was due. Mmmm pretty. After removing the oil filter housing, there are 2 o-rings to replace along with the filter. When you pull the filter, you will want to suck out the remaining dirty oil. And to drain the oil, underneath a trap door, is the 17mm oil drain plug. Drain the oil, replace the copper drain ring, and fill with some fresh BMW longlife 5w-30 🙂 Weeeeeeeeee!
997 C4S Seat Issue

Went over to help a friend with a seat problem that they were having in their new to them 997C4S. The seat all of a sudden would not slide forward on the right slider. The left moved forward and back, but the right was stuck, causing the seat to twist. Not good since the seat was all the way forward when it failed. Looks to be a broken cable on the motor that drives the right side, so we will …
944 Turbo Maintenance

Since summer is headed our way in Kansas, it is awfully nice to have a good working A/C system. Unfortunately, this car’s system stopped functioning last fall, so it was time to get it repaired before the season gets too hot. While I had the car, the owner wanted me to slap the a new rear M030 968 sway bar on to improve the handling. He had already installed the front, but hadn’t gotten to the rear yet, so I …
Boxster S 60k Service

Had this Boxster S come in for it’s 60k service this week. Got it knocked out and back to the owner, ready for another 60k 🙂 Driver’s side bank was covered in oil, pretty typical with the spark plug tube seals. Removing the coilpacks to replace the plugs and tube seals. Not horrible, but ready for a change. Cabin filter was about 10x heavier with buildup than the replacement new filter, lol. New one install Then it was on to …

😀 Now we will just drop the car ontop of everything, and it should work right? We will let the hoses hang for a few weeks to uncurl 🙂 Stay tuned.
Clifford Comes For A Visit

Clifford’s new owner came by to have an exhaust leak fixed that has been nagging the car for awhile now. It was obvious there was leakage around 3 of the exhaust ports, but we weren’t really sure why. The previous owner had done a recent head gasket, so I suspected a possible stud issue. He brought me new headers to install along with a new set of gaskets. The oem headers after 25 years are prone to cracking and leaking. …
Power Probe 3

What can I say, I’m a guy….I like tools. Errrr I love tools. I love cool tools that most people don’t know about. One of those tools is a little guy called a Power Probe (3). This is a fantastic, versatile, circuit tester that makes diagnosing electrical systems a much easier process. As you might guess, there has been a PP1, PP2, and now a third generation PP3. What is neat about the tool is that you can plug it …
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