So this is turning into Jag month. Today we have an XKR that the door opens well, but something is amiss when closing. We found that while the first microswitch in the door is working when the handle is lifted and the door is opened. The window drops about a half inch like it should. But when the handle is released the window returns to the full closed position. Then when you shut the door the glass catches the weatherstrip and …
Porsche 993 Cluster Recover RennsportKC
Had this 993C2S come in this week for a bit of an odd project. In the past on my radar/laser shifter installs, I have talked about how I do not mount the LED’s and control knobs that came with the kits because I hate molesting dashes. Radar units have a finite lifespan before they are outdated technology. Currently, that is about 5-7 years. After that, they are obsolete, and relying in them can get you a big ticket. The problem …
Jaguar XKR headrest repair

XJ8/XK8 series cars have frequent problems with the power headrests. It is usually because the cable comes out. That wasn’t the case here. Somehow the clamp that holds the headrest motor was gone. I have no idea where it went. Couldn’t find it anywhere in the seat. Just gone. Here’s how you get to it…. Then fab up a new bracket since the old one was MIA. And here it is, solid as a rock: Working like a champ now! …
Jaguar XJ6 No Start Repair RennsportKC
We had this nice little Jaguar come into the shop this week on the flatbed. Another shop in town has had it for awhile, and determined the engine had zero compression and a timing chain was broken or something odd like that. We went to the trouble to shove it in the back of the shop as we figured the head would have to come off. Once we did that, we decided to check it over. We pulled the oil …

944 Hatch Reseal RennsportKC
Had a few minutes the other day, so I pulled apart a hatch that we need to reseal for one of the 944’s. My process has evolved over the years for doing these, and they get easier and easier to do. I still use a professional glass guy to do the actual reseal as the chemicals cost me about the same as what he charges to do the sealing of the glass, so it is a no brainer to not …
Had a set of mufflers dropped off the other day for a stage II modification. A nice cheap way to get a better sound out of the mufflers by installing a bypass pipe for some of the air to bypass the muffler, while still allowing some to pass through and keep the sound levels reasonable. I do love days where I can sit and play with the plasma cutter and the welder.
Wednesday Wes and I had “British Car Day” at the shop. 2 Jaguar projects and a cool little Triumph TR6. The V12 Jag had a bad ABS pump, and the replacement units are basically unaffordable. The XJ6 units though are slightly different, but the ABS solenoid unit which was bad are very similar with a little easy modification. We pinned out all the solenoids and the pin outs were identical. After a little work, we had them swapped and had …
Jaguar XJS ATE ABS repair…

This is a bit off of our usual blog but I know the guys on the jag forums will want to see this and it is TONS easier to do it here and shoot them a link so here goes.. XJS started diving to the right under braking. Up on the rack we find there is no braking going on at the left front. First step is to attempt to bleed the brakes, bearing in mind the process for bleeding …
Had this little M3 come in for a quick repair after the droplink bracket broke off the strut tower. So I put it up in the air to see if the strut was saveable. As you can see, a chunk of the metal broke clean off and of course the drop link came off with it. Now, I’m a little fuzzy on the story, something about “Refueler, Dave, The Destroyer” and “Get A Bigger Hammer, Chuck” using torches, 12 foot …
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