Boxster Clutch
Drove down south of Louisburg today to diagnose a Boxster that was immobile. Figured out pretty fast that the clutch was completely shot. I assumed the disc hub had separated from the friction ring as there was zero movement from the car with the clutch disengaged. We had it towed up to the garage, and I started tearing it apart. Had the tow truck drop it straight onto the ramps for me. Lots of stuff to remove to get to …
Cover Me, I’m Going In

Started tearing down the passenger side camtower this afternoon. Found another metal shaving stuck to the cam sensor Cams exposed. Now I have to divert my attention to a 996 PPI. The good phd should be by this week with the cam tools we need so we can pull the cams and see what is going on.
996TT Engine Continued

Took some time this morning to pull the tranny, clutch, and get the motor up on the engine stand. Now to figure out what is going on in this motor. Again, what is involved in pulling the TT transaxles from the engine. Step 1, remove the plastic vent (3 bolts) Step two, remove the 10mm bolt and bracket. Step 3, pull the rubber plug that, along with the above bracket, hold the clutch shaft and bearings in place. This can …
996TT Motor Pull

Been slow progress around here as Typhoid Mary brought something nasty home from work, so haven’t been feeling all that great, but I did finally get the motor dropped out of the car for engine work. Starting at the top and pulling lines, compressor, throttle body, cooling hoses, etc. At the bottom, subframe, axles, driveshaft, piping, etc And slowly starting to lower the engine. I had to modify the table to add a little width for stability, but after getting …
996TT engine work

Had a freind drop off his 996TT today for some long overdue engine work. Last year we started throwing cam actuator codes on the 2nd bank, and when replacing an actuator, I found a piece of metal shaving stuck to it. Not good. The light has persisted, so we are going to drop the motor and open it up and see what is going on with the variocam system. We also had some radiators to replace (passenger and center) as …
The boxster got picked up yesterday, and this was left in it’s place, lol. I had a list of small stuff to go through to get this thing up and running in tip top shape again. The gauge cluster had some issues. The battery light, service light, brake wear light, etc were all on. The tach and fuel economy gauge no longer worked either. The tach and FE give it away. The service indicator board in the instrument cluster is …
Boxster/996 Waterpumps
This problem has been popping up on a very regular basis on the Boxster and 996 engines. So much, that I think I am going to start recommending waterpump replacement at about the 80k mile or 10 year mark as that is about when they seem to be failing. Failure can be leakage from the bearing weep hole, and if that is let go for more than a few days, the bearing and impeller are going to explode. Not a pretty sight. We …
Boxster Completed

Finished up the Boxster project the other day. Got the replacement brake lines installed, as well having the old 3m headlight protectant removed and replaced. Old brake line removed. And new one installed. After the lines were installed, I bled the system and we had a good hard pedal. Then I had Miles replace the clear bra on the headlights for me. He does excellent work. The old 12mil guards. And the new protectors installed.
Center Console Swap

While I had the boxster here, we decided to install a gaurds red center console as well. Not difficult, just a little time consuming to swap over all the panels and clips to the new console. Poof! Magic! On the table ready for disassmbly. The lock, lid, switches, and side trim need to all be swapped to the new console. There are a couple of lid variations. Some are riveted (which is the case of our new one), and some …
Boxster Shocks

With nearly 100k miles on the clock, it was time to replace the shocks and struts in this 2.7L Boxster. The obvious choice for replacement comes from Bilstein, so I got them ordered up, and was able to get the job knocked out. I have never really enjoyed doing the rears on the boxster, as the design of the mid engine and multi link rear suspension makes it a lot more involved then it should be, lol. The big kicker …
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