Who Says 944 Timing Belts Aren’t Tough?
It is amazing how when one 944 shows up, they show up in herds. This time was different though. This time was because they could smell a nicely modified car coming in on the hook, and they were looking to scavenge parts off it like vultures! What are friends for right? The car had been running good, starting making a metallic noise, but nothing seemed amiss. As he was going down the interstate, the central warning light came on and …
Porsche 911T Project 2 RennsportKC

A friend of mine bought this 1973 911T this last week as a project car. It had been sitting for about 8-9 years, and the owner was finally ready to sell it. His mechanic went through the car to make sure it was driveable, they got it over here so I could take a look. We have a lot of work to do! A good solid base, but much neglected maintenance to catch up on. My plan is to knock …
Fabspeed Muffler Bypass Install 997 C4S
It has been a week of targas lately! With two 70’s in the shop, a 993, and now a 997 targa, it has been a fun change. The 993 and newer targas are really rare, so it is cool to see them in the shop once in awhile. This one came in to have us install a set of muffler bypasses and tips that he had purchased from Fabspeed. No problem. I didn’t take many pictures of this job, but …
Audi A3 Service RennsportKC
Had this little Audi in the shop last week for some maintenance and general repairs. It was due for an oil change service and such, so that was pretty straight forward. Filters, fluids, etc. It also had a dead interior blower motor that is very common to Audi’s. IMHO, the orientation of the blower fan assembly leads to early failure, as the motor is pointing up, allowing any condensation/etc in the system to end up in the motor, thus seizing …
This coming weekend the KCRPCA will be hosting it’s annual club race and DE at the new Kansas Speedway infield course. If you are not racing or participating in the HPDE, there is still fun to be had! Aristocrat motors will be hosting a car show and fun run to the speedway, Saturday June 22nd. They will have the lot cleared at the dealership off I-35 and SMP for the car show. Your cars should be parked around 9am, but …
This is a 964 that I did a clutch job on last year. 180k+ miles are on the clock, and it had come in for a routine valve adjustment. Unfortunately when I pulled the lower valve covers, I found 3 broken head studs! Not good, and it really put us in a pickle. The owner is in love with the car and drives the heck out of it. A full engine rebuild soup to nuts was going to run about …
Had this 964 C2 come in for some electrical issues (alternator) and a few other minor things that we have seen before. What I haven’t blogged about before are the shift tube bushings in the tunnel that can fail. I’m not sure how he was able to shift this car as the shift knob was all over the place. Up in the air to remove the center tunnel belly pan. With the tunnel pan removed, we can see the issue. …
Plodding Along……
Haven’t blogged in awhile as we have been slammed trying to get cars through the shop. We have been doing a ton of A/C work with the weather turning nice, in addition to some big and small projects. A 993TT in the shop for a really stiff clutch pedal. Since the clutch was replaced a few years ago, that points us to the slave and/or hydraulic accumulator. After trying both with no luck, the only other option was to drop …
We have been so full at the shop lately, that a few projects have followed me home. This 996 was in for basic oil change, etc, along with needing a window drop issue fixed on the passenger side. It was wiggling a little, but not dropping the full 1/4″ when opening the door. Since this car is a 16k mile car, and did not have a magnetic drain plug installed yet, I cut the filter open to make sure there …