Mark Sherwood 968 PPI
CAR IS SOLD The following are the results of inspection on Mark Sherwood’s 968 for those following the Rennlist and KCWS posts. Mark unfortunately has recently passed away and his family is selling the vehicle. For interested buyers, please contact Chris McIntyre via email at (Chris at Merrillcompanies.com) PRICE: Updated to reflect the price I have been told. The fellow who financed Mark would like 7800 for the car, 7500 would likely take it. Anything below 7k will likely lead …
968 Fuel Stumble

Symptoms: 1. Fuel gauge that would randomly read different values, so you never knew how much gas was in the tank 2. Hesitation would appear after filling the car with gas. 3. Fuel smell 4. Lot of pressure released when opening the gas cap. Last fall we had torn into the fuel system due to a hesitation it was having after filling up with gas. Aaron had also noticed that the tank let off a lot of pressure when opening …

Aaron brought by his 968 last night to have me go through the speedometer cluster. The 944/968/911’s are notorious for the plastic odometer gears breaking, and thus the miles stop accumulating as you drive 😉 Aaron of course brought this in immediately when it broke 🙂 How do they break? Well over time, the plastic can get brittle and just flat fall apart, but the #1 cause is from people hitting the odometer/trip reset button while the car is moving. …
968 Fuel System Refurb

Aaron dropped off his 968 the other day because it died on him and wouldn’t start on his way to work. He had been having some wierd hesitation issues as well, so it was time to take a look at it. Found the bad fuel pump right away, and started tearing things apart. Since we are in there, we replaced the pump, tank screen, fuel filter, check valve, and the fuel pressure regulator. Once inside, we found the reason for …
968 Maintenance

Another 968 in the garage. I am doing a full timing belt/waterpump/roller service, swapping in a resealed PS pump, Camshaft pads and chain change, all new coolant hoses, new expansion tank, speed sensor, and trying to figure out a braking issue. Getting ready to tear it down….. Front end apart, going after the cam pads and chain….. Cams out of the car….. Exposed cam followers. Old pads and chain that need to be removed New pads and chain installed, and …
More 968 Cam Maintenance

Another 968 came through today. 158k miles on the clock, with an unknown history of cam maintenance. Pulled the valve cover to see what we were dealing with. The top pad, while worn, was not in horrible shape. Typically I see more wear on the bottom pad, but you can’t inspect it without pulling the cams and tensioner. Cams out of the car……To pull the cams, you need to remove the timing belt. On the 968, that more or less …
Porsche 968 Cam Maintenance

The Porsche 968, 944S2 and 944 S all used dual overhead cams, unlike the previous 8v engines. This also introduces a slightly different maintenance schedule for the cam system. The 8v engines were all more or less cam maintenance free, with the exception of oil seal replacements as they started to leak. The DOHC heads though, all have tensioners, oil feed pipes, cam chains, and tensioner pads to worry about. The 944 line is fairly basic in terms of maintenance. …