997C4S Supercharger Install: Part VII

Since I was going to be out of town for the weekend, I buttoned up the supercharger project after getting the ECU back from VF, did some road testing with it Wednesday night, and gave it back to the owner for the weekend to put some miles on it. Next week we will bring it back and do some more testing before giving it the 100% stamp of approval rating. Sucking down the coolant system for the charge cooler. And …
997 Supercharger Part VI:

Was able to pick up the much needed radiator plugs from the dealer today so I could get that project taken care of. Then I came home and did a bunch of paperwork…..and anything else I could do to avoid taking a coolant bath. Finally I got motivated to drag myself to the garage and get this project knocked out. These are the two plugs you need which come with o-rings. No other parts needed as you can reuse the …
997 Supercharger Part V:

Ok, one more update for the day and then I am going to shut it down until tomorrow. Running hoses. I think I have a solution figured out for most of the runs. I finished running the wire to the pump. No biggie there. Joining the power wires together near the front passenger wheel well. And utilizing this mount here for the ground wire. My planned route for the hoses is to take everything up into the engine bay on …
997 Supercharger Part IV:

With most of the wiring buttoned up, it was time to start looking at the cooling system: With that, the front bumper needs to come off. Remove the front wheels. And the front fender liners and associated screws with the front bumper cover. Hint: Yes, the side markers can be pulled out from the outside, but you will never get them to seat right due to the metal tab bending. Instead, you can slide a screwdriver between the fender liner …
997 Supercharger Part III:

Ok, lets see where were we: ah yes, on to pulling the DME. A lot of people have probably already seen how to pull the DME from the 996/997 time and time again, but for those that haven’t…..here you go: Tools: 6mm allen, T30 torx bit, 10mm socket/ratchet/extension Remove the bose trim piece by pulling out on it. Remove the seat latch with a 6mm allen. Slide unit forward. On the backside you can unplug the electrical connector: Then pull …
997 Supercharger Part II:

Knocked out a few more items in between tornado sirens. Ahhhh springtime in Kansas. A tornado on the ground a few miles away…..honey badger don’t care…..but those sirens sure are really loud and annoying, LOL. Way of life in the Midwest. So if I stop updating the blog, you know what happened to me, ROFL! Knocking out some misc. items. Wiring in the resistor into the MAF signal wire (white with blue stripe), and also another new update, they have …
It Is Time: 997C4S Supercharger Part I:

Time to get rolling on this little project of ours. The patient: 997C4S Tiptronic. The Kit: VF Engineering Supercharger kit. I’ve got a lot of these installs running around on 996/997’s, they are excellent, well thought out kits. New hp levels should run about 475. The newly redesigned kit incorporates a self contained oiling system on the supercharger. No more pulling hot oil from the engine to lubricate the charger. Got it in and we noticed an issue right away……our …