A few videos from the June DE at Heartland Park.  (I am working on getting them up, some are still processing so you might have to wait a few minutes) Having fun with the Pink Pig (SP1)  Not sure why the window doesn’t show up, but the link is good if you copy and paste in the browser. Having some fun until I blew an intercooler hose:

Apr 29 2009 porschedoc 968 6 Comments

The Porsche 968, 944S2 and 944 S all used dual overhead cams, unlike the previous 8v engines.  This also introduces a slightly different maintenance schedule for the cam system.  The 8v engines were all more or less cam maintenance free, with the exception of oil seal replacements as they started to leak.  The DOHC heads though, all have tensioners, oil feed pipes, cam chains, and tensioner pads to worry about.  The 944 line is fairly basic in terms of maintenance.  …

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